Urgency to act as a global-citizen of biosphere

Human beings, by nature, are curious animals.  If you remember your childhood “You might have damaged several toys to see - “how is it made?” or “where the sound came from?” or several similar questions.  You might have further tried to remake it, but it wouldn’t be as easy as tearing it down. As a child, you never had to worry about assembling that again because you could always get a new one after some bargains with your parents. With time, we develop the sense and gradually know it’s very difficult to put the things together in the same place once they are shattered. So, we always replaced with the new for everything possible- destroyed toys with new toys, old cars with new cars, aged houses with new houses, and old cities with new cities and so on.

The tragedy of the last 1000 years with the humankind is that we never tried to see the actual cost of our blissful desires.  The cost that other living creatures and the biosphere had to bear in those processes of damage and replacement. We always thought we were advancing towards a better society when something new replaced the old. But the reality was, every time while made something new, we were moving towards the edge of the planetary boundary. But, we thought ourselves smart enough to answer all the questions raised in a unidirectional way. This newness has advanced human life.

Now, the humans longing has crossed all its boundaries and seeking solutions outside planetary boundaries. But the question is, after creating so much mesh in the earth, who would accept us in their boundaries in some extraterrestrial planets. We might develop technologies to reach the boundary of Mars or Jupiter and even establish cities there. But the question is “Will the insatiable desire of humankind stop there?”  Don’t we need to think the other way round and look around ourselves within this planetary boundary?

Let’s first take care of all the mess we have created as a human in this earth and after that, we can explore the life outside planet.  It is, of course, the hardest thing to revamp the destroyed but if we put all our energy together and help each other, it is possible. Yes, this is difficult. But, choosing the right path to lead your life for the betterment of the biosphere is not an easy task. We receive setbacks and difficulties in every step with those who are seeking a life outside earth and have behavioral problems with newness. We need not be deterred from the failures to pull all of us together; it is just a normal phenomenon. We need to think now as we are still able to work for humanity to help prevail in the earth. We should understand that we cannot let our activities reach the edge of the planetary boundary, where we are unable to balance our load and after that, the old belief will come true “Nature bats at last and when it does you just watch and face it”. It is the urgency of time to act for the biosphere as a whole rather than spending our time to garner materialistic wealth which human has been doing all the time in history.


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