The climate crisis has
raised several questions in front of us. One of the important questions is “Is
doing things right enough to fight this existential threat due to climate change or do we need to do the right things?” The whole world is
divided on this question. However, I am firm with my view - We need to do the right
things. Apart from this divide, there are some denials who believe
that some miracle will solve this magnanimous issue. If someone wants to risk their
future in a miracle, what can we say! I can only wish them good luck. But, as a conscious human being, I can’t stay ideal, which is also not my inherent nature.
It is, of course, true that
humans have always been challenging nature, and reached this stage of human
development winning all odds against nature. But we shouldn’t be obsessed with
these wins of history and believe to win this war against climate crisis
with the same old rhetoric. Everyone should remember that the climate crisis is not a fantasy
drama series on television- where some hero will solve a huge problem every
time. This is the real world that has a long history of humankind, which has now
come to its existential threat due to the climate crisis. Each and every human
being should be a hero to solve this issue.
If we look back into human
history, we have used our ingenuity to deal with most of our problems and
succeeded. The 20th-century success in the field of science and technology is highly
commendable. But, this overwhelming success to ease problems in most parts of
human life has addicted us heavily to the miracle of science and technology. We are so addicted to science and
technology that we have started mixing the legal and ethical issues in the same pot. We have a fallacies assumption that science has answers to all our questions. For every environmental misdeed, we searched solutions afterward in technology. We always went after treatment measures rather than doing precautionary measures - deforest the dense forest, then plant a tree; pollute a lake, and then think for pollution remediation; degrade the pristine land, and then plan for conservation. We did these because our legal system defined it as 'this doing is the right thing'. Indeed they were making 'things right only'. We
have been believing that doing things right or thinking of a solution once there is a problem is enough, as supported by the legal system. But, the question is, has it been enough to bring a solution to the climate crisis? The current legal
systems, which we follow are mostly designed on the humanistic
principle, largely ignoring the most important fact - Nature is the cornerstone
for human survival. The loss of biodiversity and ocean pollution and now climate change is being compensated with the economic
instrument, which Nature doesn’t understand. We were so hallucinated that
all legal become ethical. But, people are gradually getting out of this
hallucination and have started to think “Is doing things right enough to have a solution to this climate crisis?” Of course, not!
The year 2019 seems to be the
turning point in the history of the climate movement. With the rise of children
in the streets every month in various parts of the world, the moral embedded in
the climate crisis is out on the surface for discussion. Is the notion set by
scientists from scientific reasoning relating to the climate crisis as a “problem due to increased greenhouse gas emission” will help us
anymore? Or do we need to change the underlying philosophical question about
climate change? I believe that Science will not bring the solution to the
climate crisis, at least before it’s too late. I believe that because there are
many strings attached to the research funding for scientists. Most of these
strings are usually in favor of those who have created this huge mess of global
warming contributing to climate change. And, how can a scientist betray the one
who funded their research? So, we normal people need to come together before
it’s too late and start doing the right things, which are governed by natural law
rather than humanistic law. Let us change our habits toward a low carbon
lifestyle, support local products, use upcycled products, help local community
initiatives, ask our children to see things beyond the humanistic principle,
and so on. The list is long but we need to start today.
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